Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Back To Black

Sargent Johnson: Untitled (Negro Mother). Copper with paint, 1935-6.
Swann Galleries is at it again with another mega-auction of African American Artwork. The pictured, Untitled (Negro Mother) is an excellent and very scarce work in copper repoussé by Sargent Johnson (1888 - 1967) from the mid-1930s. The description reads, " Johnson elevated the strength and dignity of everyday African-American women in his sculpture, infusing even small works like this mask with a commanding presence." This copper mask by Johnson is only the second of its kind to come to auction. Eight other examples of Johnson's masks have been located, and all but one are in museum collections. Estimate $80,000 - $120,000

The White people going to museums don't want to confront the narratives that Black artists paint. It makes museum patrons uncomfortable. But Dana Shutz, stylishly wrapped up the narrative of Emmett Till neatly in a coffin with a red carnation to top it off so it was not uncomfortable to look at and I believe the Whitney Museum played it safe and included the work of a White woman with Black subject matter to be politically inclusive of what is going on in the world amidst all the padding of abstract work that saturate the exhibits.

Starting this summer, 25 to 30 rising juniors and seniors studying computer science at Howard University will get the chance to spend three months taking classes at the Googleplex in Mountain View, California. The initiative is called Howard West, created as an effort to bring more black computer science students into the tech industry. In 2016, just 1% of Google’s technical engineering staff identified as black.

Research suggests that when people of color do access healthcare, they are provided inadequate treatment. For example, Black people wait twice as long as White people for kidney transplants, and Black women with breast cancer are 67% more likely to die than their White counterparts. This persists for children as well—the mortality rate for Black infants is 2.5 times higher than for White children. Existing studies show that Black Americans receive fewer prescriptions for pain management medications, and when they do, they receive lower doses or less effective medications. The current racial biases identified in this study—the false beliefs that Black people feel less pain and are biologically stronger than White people—are both continuations and direct results of this history of systemic oppression. Ironically, physician under-treatment of pain for black patients may have helped prevent higher opioid addiction among African-Americans, experts and studies suggest.

Q: Why has Houston been dubbed as America’s next great black business mecca? (Who Said?)
A: Houston has an exciting mix of culture, innovation, flair, small businesses and major corporations. I also think the right environment for a black business mecca includes diversity in the industries that matter: from the senior staffs in education to leaders of city government. Houston fits this bill, too. Education creates the pipeline for strong business leaders, and black and brown guides are at the helm. Houston has also elected a black mayor who understands the business needs of people of color, but who clearly and passionately represents all Houstonians, creating an environment for everyone to win…the next black business mecca included.

In the hunt for suspected criminals, around half of adult Americans’ photographs, without their knowledge or consent, are stored in facial recognition databases that can be accessed by the FBI. Approximately 80% of the photos are non-criminal entries, including pictures from driver’s licenses and passports. About 15% of the time, the algorithms used to identify matches are inaccurate. They are also more likely to misidentify black people than white people.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Today's Black News...

Texan Breana Talbott was arrested Wednesday on a charge of making a false report to a peace officer after claiming to have been abducted and gang raped by three masked black men. Monday, bloodied and beaten she ran into a church wearing only a shirt, bra and underwear. The hospital was unable to find the physical evidence of the assault and her story broke down. The 18-year-old blonde woman also admitted that the cuts on her body were self-inflicted! The police chief detailed, "We were unable to corroborate any of Talbott's allegations that she had been abducted or sexually assaulted." The Denison Police Department also plans to seek restitution for the cost of the investigation.

Texturism in the natural hair community has driven this naturalista back to the creamy crack! She writes, “I slowly realized that I didn't know, nor did I have the patience to suddenly relearn, how to style and care for my new hair, especially as a busy college student. I felt alone and frustrated, like I'd never achieve the "ideal" natural look. As someone with the thickest, tightest 4C coils, (if 4D existed, I would definitely classify) it never felt to me like natural women with tighter curl patterns were as celebrated as those with looser textures. I'd expected to feel empowered and liberated by finally embracing my natural texture, but instead, being natural presented me with a new struggle to fit a different ideal that still seemed unachievable for me.

A pair of James Browns size 7 - 1/2 Italian-made platform shoes, worn by him in concert.
Here they go auctioning off black history again! On March 30 New York City’s Swann Auction Galleries will hold an auction for its “Printed & Manuscript African Americana” catalog. There are more than 500 lots for sale with prices ranging from the hundreds to the tens of thousands of dollars. The lots are mostly books, letters and other documents, but there are also items like child-size slave shackles ($2,500 -$3,500) and James Brown’s stage worn Italian platform shoes ($1,500 - 2,500).

President Trump finally met with seven Congressional Black Caucus members Wednesday, and not a damn thing was accomplished.

A group of black artists have urged the Whitney Museum of American Art to remove and destroy Dana Schutz's "Open Casket,” a portrait of Emmitt Till’s body in the casket, accusing the White painter of exploiting Black death for profit. Artist and writer Hannah Black says “.. it is not acceptable for a White person to transmute Black suffering into profit and fun, though the practice has been normalized for a long time. …” The artist in question was reportedly surprised by calls for the painting’s destruction. Surprised, huh?

Monday, February 6, 2017

How to Break The Internet

Words of Wisdom
"Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet." -- Bob Marley
Happy Birthday, Bob!!!

Did You Hear This One? Rumor has it that Mr. Trump has decided to change "Black History Month" to "National African-American History Month." I mean like who did he talk to when he came to this decision. Who agreed? Were there black people involved? Oh yes, Omarosa! (**side-eye**) Why are Black people just finding out on February 2nd? (That's after the official beginning of Black History Month.)
More on this: ABC7 Chicago

Tariq Nasheed tweeted what everyone is thinking, "If prosecutors can find ppl who claimed they were drugged by Bill Cosby in the 1950s & 60s, they can charge the lady who lied on Emmett Till." Emmett Till was a young man who was brutally killed for supposedly making sexual advances at this young white woman Carolyn Bryant. Well, Carolyn Bryant has recanted her story. His ultimately death sparked the Civil Rights movement. Now What!?!

Invest, Invest, Invest in Our Communities
Atlanta's black-owned bank Citizen Trust gained thousands of new clients over the last few months. Why? Black people have finally gotten fed up and decided to invest in their own businesses. Now, with Trump leading the helm as President, hopefully we will unite as a people not only to open bank accounts, but also start new businesses and actually support one another. We need to stop giving our dollars to businesses who don’t give a damn about us.
>> Did You Know? The Black Wall Street, located in Greenwood, Oklahoma, was a thriving community where black businessmen/businesswomen owned banks, hotels, cafes, stores, movie theaters, and more. In 1921, there was a racially motivated riot in which a group of white men attacked the community killing many.
More on this: Ebony.com

Invest in Yourself
Millions of men and women are point blank faking it and it's easy to do. Post your best moments on social media and it looks like your life is rosy when in fact you have less than $20 in the bank, your lights might be turned off in a few days and you don't know where your next meal is coming from. She's educated, explored the world in her younger days but today she's 55 Unemployed Faking Normal. This interview piece on the author of "55 Unemployed Faking Normal" is a scary wakeup call for any and everyone. Don't think you are invincible!
Watch here:  55andFakingNormal.com

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
Meet Esther Jones (aka Baby Esther) a Harlem Cotton Club singer and dancer during the 1920s. She was known for her signature cabaret style and using the term Boo-Boo-Boo (and many others)But many don't know her style was jacked by the creators of Betty Boop.
Read all about it here: ILoveOldSchoolMusic.com

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Word of the Day: 
Afro-Indigenous -
 African descendants outside of the continent who are also classified as indigenous like the Garifuna people in Honduras.
- the historical black—settler—population of Nova Scotia.
- admixture of African and aboriginal.

Invitation Africa A growing retirement trend for African Americans is retiring to the African continent. Ghana leads the way in inviting African descendants from all over the world to return to the land of their roots. They are currently the only African nation with a policy to allow anyone of African ancestry to live within its borders permanently. According to 2014 estimates, more than 3,000 African-Americans and people of Caribbean descent live in Ghana, a country of about 26 million people. Whatever their motives, Ghana, the first sub-Saharan Africa country to shake off colonial rule 58 years ago, has become the destination of choice for diasporans looking for a spiritual home and an ancestral connection in Africa.

African-American Supremacy? Yale researchers have discovered a genetic variant to predict the morphine dose needed to achieve effective pain control in a population of African American children undergoing surgery. No such effect was found among subjects of European ancestry. “We found specific gene effects in people with African ancestry, an understudied population,” said Joel Gelernter, the Foundations Fund Professor of Psychiatry, professor of genetics and of neuroscience, and senior author of the paper. Intriguingly, said the researchers, the genetic variant identified among African-Americans is adjacent to the gene OPRM1. This gene encodes the main cell receptor targeted by opioids in the brain. The variant could be used as a biomarker, helping tailor treatment for African-Americans with an opioid use disorder, note the investigators. http://www.medicaldaily.com/opioid-addiction-2017-personalized-treatment-race-identifies-african-american-409370

“Today, the company exploits its predominantly African American workforce in a variety of ways.” Jackson pointed to punishing production quotas in the Canton plant as well as a lack of adequate safety equipment. The company has relied heavily on temporary employment agencies for hiring, paying lower wages to temporary employees for the same work as permanent workers. Nissan management has run a campaign of coercion and intimidation to keep workers from speaking about a union. Of the roughly 5,000 workers at Nissan’s Canton plant, an estimated 80 percent are African American. https://uaw.org/nissan-criticized-civil-rights-abuses-african-american-workers/ 

Too Black, talented and gifted to accept Democrats’ message of doom We have to stop allowing Democrats to use Black people, as they are now, against Trump and other Republicans by pushing this fear, this helplessness into our culture. We are being used to protest, we are being used to cry. We are being used to tell our young children, our families, of the difficult times ahead because of Trump’s presidency. We are being taught to teach our young Black people this organized fear of White Republicans, leading into this internalized pseudo adaptation to inferiority of White Republicans, while simultaneously teaching that the only savior is the White and powerful Democrat. http://spokesman-recorder.com/2017/01/25/black-talented-gifted-accept-democrats-message-doom/
Blacks should up the ante and display pride There is one thing black people master above other groups, I am sure in the whole world, is respecting other people. Why do you become ashamed of yourself if you fail to pronounce foreign (white) language proper? Do they care or feel guilty for not being able to pronounce yours at all? Why would you be ashamed if you understand their language and not perfect but can speak, yet they know nothing about yours? This attitude of being apologists doesn’t take black people anywhere. During the dark days of Apartheid we were conscientised to be proud of whom we are. Black Consciousness Movement used to say “Black is Beautiful”. http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/Local/City-Vision/blacks-should-up-the-ante-and-display-pride-20170125

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blacks in Film
Roxanne, Roxanne, the long-awaited feature film detailing the true story of the razor-tongued hip-hop pioneer, is unlike any other rap biopic. The film, which receives its first screening Sunday at Sundance Film Festival, is a co-production between Forest Whitaker's Significant Productions and Pharrell Williams' I Am Other. Roxanne Shanté, also an executive producer on the film. http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/first-look-roxanne-shante-bio-knocks-rap-movies-out-the-box-w462035

Obama Legacy: Not Black Enough
Over two terms, there would be no specific agenda aimed at curing social maladies most predominant in black and poor neighborhoods. No war on poverty, no comprehensive criminal justice reform, no radical new approach to public education and no wholesale effort to staunch the flow of illegal guns. No substantial attempt to wage a fight for environmental justice, to clear the toxins pervading the water and soil in poor neighborhoods. Yet Chelsea Manning’s sentence was commuted in the final days of the Obama presidency and Assata Shakur is still living in exile in Cuba. WTF? http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/01/22/my-president-wasn-t-black-enough.html

Getting Black to Nature
When Adrienne Troy-Frazier moved from Chicago to the Lowcountry in 2012, she looked forward to having year-round access to the outdoors because of the moderate winter weather. Yet when she showed up for outings, organizers often seemed surprised that a black person was participating. The stereotype that black people didn’t enjoy nature seemed apparent and Troy-Frazier didn’t accept that. Her searches soon led her to a national group called Outdoor Afro, which is dedicated to connecting black people to nature via outings.  “Our ancestors had an important relationship with the land here. The disconnect (in some outings) often exists when that narrative isn’t shared. It is important for everyone to know that history. In most of our Outdoor Afro outings we imbed our connection to the outdoor space we’re are visiting or activity.” http://www.postandcourier.com/blog/get_fit/outdoor-connection-group-offers-nature-outings-to-blacks/article_dd060772-dcf6-11e6-b7b8-8b19830d257b.html

Black Celebs Support the Women’s March
Over the weekend, some of those women included familiar faces like Angela Davis, Kerry Washington, Tracee Ellis Ross, Janelle Monae, Uzo Aduba and more - all standing together to bring light to the issues that face women, and more specifically women of color, in America. http://urbanmecca.net/news/2017/01/23/celebrities-come-support-womens-marches-around-country/  Yet a new study shows that married white women without a college degree have nearly four times the wealth of their black counterparts. Older, single black women with a college degree have a mere $11,000 in wealth, which is the lowest of all groups in that age range and is in stark contrast to the $384,400 in median wealth among single white women with a bachelor’s degree. http://www.insightcced.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/January2017_ResearchBriefSeries_WomenRaceWealth-Volume1-Pages-1.pdf  Just what were you marching for?

Gag Me With a Coon?
Jerry Rice must fire his management ASAP for this disgraceful Popeye's Chicken commercial. We all know that Jerry can speak, in fact he's been in the commentator role for many years now. If I were his manager and read that script, I would've demanded Jerry switch roles with the white guy.  Or we walk. Even the fictional Jerry Maguire wouldn't have accepted that! I'm making a dollar decision to not patronize this establishment any longer.

Monday, January 23, 2017

What Would Malcom X Say?
About former NFL great and activist Jim Brown, called out for being one of many blacks recently meeting with President Trump. http://atlantablackstar.com/2017/01/21/malcolm-x-say-negro-celebrities-meeting-trump/ Brown claps back, says no invitation ever came from Barack Obama. "The black community has to look at itself, not me... You don't expect your enemy, particularly, to deliver you. We have to deliver ourselves." https://theundefeated.com/features/jim-brown-tells-black-america-yes-you-can/

Black Brief Education Report
Perhaps TV and radio personality Wendy Williams should have this film Tell Them We Are Rising on her required viewing list after her notorious flub this summer concerning HBCUs. https://thegrio.com/2016/08/02/wendy-williams-reportedly-fires-3-producers-after-hbcu-gate/ The film offers an in-depth look at how Historically Black Colleges and Universities have helped shape the societal and cultural history of America. http://www.metronews.ca/entertainment/2017/01/19/tell-them-we-are-rising.html

Speaking of blacks in education, British universities have not appointed a single black academic in senior management roles in the past 3 years. Only two per cent of the total academic members of staff in universities between 2015 and 2016 were black. 
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4139552/Universities-not-appointed-single-black-academic.html Makes sense because after two decades of research, a white professor has concluded that "black Caribbean kids are three times more likely to be expelled than their white British peers." https://www.tes.com/news/school-news/breaking-views/tes-talks-todavid-gillborn

Apparently, the one drop rule is apparently no longer in effect according to Journal of Blacks in Higher Education study. Initially, biracial, or multiracial students who were partially African American counted towards the black student's data. However, now those students are no longer considered black and will be excluded from the final percentage of first-year black students. 

What Next for Black Business & Black America?
Donald J. Trump might not have been the choice of Black America, but that doesn't mean that we cannot thrive in the environment created by his administration. Careful thinking and focus on areas that will benefit from his policies, can create successful business in our communities. http://www.blackenterprise.com/small-business/black-america-thrive-trump-shawn-baldwin/

The first ever "Black Business Expo" in North Carolina gave an estimated 80 black-owned businesses in the Twin Counties region to showcase their products and services. Salon owner Tawanda Auston said, "I know some people may know that I'm in business and they support other places that aren't black-owned. I personally would go all across town to support a black business even though it may be a similar place right around the corner, so whey you say support, that's support. http://www.rockymounttelegram.com/News/2017/01/17/Business-expo-showcases-black-owned-firms.html 

The SideEye Report
Black Lives Matter partners with white-owned New York City based advertising agency J. Walter Thompson, to launch Backing Black Business website with goal to list every black-owned business in America. http://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/business/website-launches-to-support-black-owned-businesses-20161227 A curious partnership, considering that the Thompson Agency was slapped with a lawsuit claiming racism and sexism forcing the resignation of its CEO in 2016. http://adage.com/article/agency-news/jwt-wpp-scramble-wake-harassment-lawsuit/303210/